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Supersport NG-AGO22-EN

Language : English

Base knowledge : Good Knows about MECAL , basic notions of physics

Level : Medium

Relators : Michele Trapani , Marco Cortecchia

This training will allow you to learn advanced notions related to the Mectronik ECU Supersport Next Generation application as well as Moto2 and Racebike applications .

Topics of a theoretical nature will be dealt with first, to then move on to the analysis of practical applications, assisted by acquired data and examples of real situations.

The training will take place in person at our headquarters in Imola.

The participation fee is individual (1 person), and includes lunch and coffee break for the 2 days.


For overnight stays we recommend: HOTEL ZIO ‘

Below is the direct link to our STORE:


Because of the protracted safety rules, the number of participants will be limited compared to the standard capacity, therefore it is necessary an advanced booking .

Participations will be confirmed following the chronological order of payments received.


Hourly Schedule


9:00 - 11:00
Notions of physics used during the course
11:00 - 12:30
Acquisition Channels
List and summary for data acquisition channels
14:00 - 16:00
Torque Measure and Objectives
16:00 - 18:00
Constant Torque and Power Torque characteristics


9:00 - 11:00
Traction Management
Torque for traction phase
11:00 - 12:30
Wheely Management
Torque for wheeling phase
14:00 - 16:00
Engine Brake Management
Torque for release and corner entry
16:00 - 18:00
Other strategies
AntiJerk , Gear Shiting ...

The event is finished.


31 Aug 2022 - 01 Sep 2022


Marco Cortecchia

Event Booking

Don't miss the chance, book it now because partecipations are limited

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