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Racecar App Notes

We just released 2 applications notes related to RACECAR applications for MKE5 and MKE7 .

First one describe the features of MKE5 compared with MKE7 :


MKE5 vs MKE7 features Version 1.0 - 6.50 MB 204 downloads

Flyer that describe the feature of MKE5 compared with MKE7 focused to RACECAR applications...

Second one is an utility ( excel sheet ) that help on configurations for 6 and 8 cylinders :


MKE7 6-8 Cylinder Setup Version 1.0 - 120.81 KB 88 downloads

Excel sheet with utility that help You to setup correctly the 6 and 8 cylinders applications...

For Your reference , You can always find same documents on DOWNLOAD area too .

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