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2D Data Loggers (23.18-2D-EN)

Language : English

Level : Standard

Base knowledge : Use of PC and generic softwares

Relators : Michele Trapani , Marco Cortecchia

This training will give you the basics for 2D data loggers configuration and use .

On First part We will cover arguments for Data Logger configuration , for both CAN BUS lines and analog inputs .

On Secont part We will describe data analysis related to Mectronik ECUs and for generic activities also .

Training will be held at Mectronik Imola.

It’s advisable to book in  ample advance.

Participations will be confirmed following the chronological order of bookings

Download the PDF with some logistic information ( way to us , parking , hotels )

The event is finished.


15 Dec 2023


Marco Cortecchia


Mectronik Imola
via Goffredo Mameli 27 Imola (BO) Italy

Hourly Schedule

9:00 - 10:00
Data Loggers Description
10:00 - 12:00
Configuration ( CAN , Analogs , GPS )
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Time
14:00 - 15:00
Mectronik Related Channels
15:00 - 16:00
Math Channels
16:00 - 18:00
Data Analisys

Event Booking

Don't miss the chance, book it now because partecipations are limited

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